Monday, September 27, 2010

Trial: bX recommender service

The University of Hawaii at Manoa Library is trialing a new recommender service designed to suggest additional articles that may help you with your research based on the articles you have already accessed. The new service, called bX, is like Amazon recommendations for scholarly articles, generating suggested articles based on the usage patterns of other users accessing similar articles.

To use the new service, go about your research as usual using your favorite databases. When you come across an article you are interested in, click on the "FindIt" button:

If the Library has access to the article you seek, you will be automatically taken to the article. At the top of the article screen, there will be a frame with a link to "Get additional resources related to this." Click on this link.
This will take you to a page with more information about your article. About halfway down the screen, if recommendations are available for this article, you will see a box labeled "bX Recommendations - Users interested in this article also expressed an interest in the following:"

Click on a recommended article title to connect to articles that the Library has access to, or select "View More" to see additional recommendations.

The Library's trial of the bX recommender service runs through Oct. 29, 2010. We would appreciate your feedback on whether the service was helpful - or not helpful - for your research. Please send feedback to uhmeres [at] hawaii [dot] edu.